

Benefits of joining the club

  • Get “extra discount” on many wines. Click on the icon to see the CLUB PRICE savings.        
  • Never pay for shipping – EVER! Use our “Add to my Locker” feature.

How does “Add to my Locker” work?

  • when you buy a single bottle (or multiple bottles, but are less than a case of 12), as a CLUB MEMBER, you are given an option to add these bottles in your locker at the checkout page.
  • You will not be charged for shipping when you choose Add to my Locker option.
  • Once you have 12 bottles added to your locker, we will contact you if you would like us to ship them to you – FREE of COST or hold them longer
  • You can keep a track of the bottles that are in your LOCKER in your account page.
Price Club Membership
Important : Exclusive Benefits for CLUB members

$35.00 per 12 months Subscription

$49.95 per 24 months Subscription

Important Note: A Club Price membership must be purchased and activated separately from other products. It must be purchased before to receive the membership discount.

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